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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Take 2

2 Oct

Well who saw that coming? And by that, I mean Agent May breaking her own wrist to escape the hostage situation in the cargo bay. This week’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was a solid action packed episode, but I’m not 100% sure I’m in love with this show yet.

The episode kicked off with Skye joining the team as a “consultant” and the team off in search of a 084 sighting in Peru. We learn that a 084 means Object of Unknown Origin and this one turns out to be some old Hydra weapon left around for the Peru military to find/take advantage of. Peru was enlightening as we learned Coulson is quite the ladies’ man and dare I say might have a lady at every port? Coulson you sly dog! The team bumbles the extraction of the 084 and ends up having to retreat back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. “Bus” along with the Peru militants and their Comandante.

Agent Ward kicking butt!After some light flirting with Coulson we realize Comandante Reyes isn’t interested in rekindling their romance but getting her hands on the 084. The Agent Scoobies realize the same intent, but unfortunately are overtaken and end up tied together in the cargo bay. Agent Ward, inspired by the high stakes to take on the Captain American mantle or in an effort to ingratiate himself into Skye’s pants, suggests they use her theory of crowd sourcing to find a solution to their problem. Next follows a fun action scene and the usual “oh no he’s going to die, but not really cause he’s on next week” drama, and Agent Scoobies save the day.

Nick Fury Cameo

Only catch, while saving the day they blew a hole in their plan/bus, which makes a certain one eyed someone not very happy. If you stayed until the very end of the episode you saw Nick Fury and Coulson argue over the damage to the plane and Fury’s
Overall the second episode felt a little formulaic and had some lazy plot devices. Here’s hoping they add more meat to these episodes in the weeks to come.apprehensiveness with Coulson’s team of misfits. It was a fun cameo, not a big plot point, but enjoyable none the less. Oh I almost forgot, anyone catch Skye’s mysterious text from The Rising Tide, and her equally cryptic response of “I’m in” I thought she was the rising tide, is she just a sneaky double agent? Hmm intrigue!


  • Love watching the wonder twins and all their tech, especially the little dwarf machines.
  • Coulson as a ladies man, what can’t that man do?!
  • “Don’t call me that” Cavalry, best nickname ever!


  • Using the raft to plug the hole in the plane. That whole storyline felt overly planned, here’s the pamphlet in the first 5 minutes, oh that will be important later.
  • Agent Ken Doll Ward and Skye romance seemed a little cheesy this week. Hopping it gets more organic in the weeks to come.
  • Join us next week for a live tweet-fest Tuesday at 8pm EST and Wednesday for our recap.


All images courtesy of and ABC