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Avengers 2: Casting News

3 Oct

Elizabeth OlsenWell the internet has something new to argue about today. Not sure if it will create the same backlash as Batfleck but it might come close. An Olsen is coming to the land of Marvel. Not Mary Kate or Ashley but their younger sister Elizabeth Olsen has been cast as the Scarlet Witch per Samuel L. Jackson in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal.

”I know we’re shooting in London, that James Spader is Ultron and going to be the bad guy, and that we added Ms. [Elizabeth] Olsen [who will play the Scarlet Witch], but I don’t know what she’s doing, if she’s on the inside or the outside. I haven’t seen a script.”

So internet what do you think about the newest member of the Avengers? is she worthy of fan-boy and fan-girl love?

Image courtesy of IMDB